Articles on: Health Challenges & Symptoms

Correcting Back & Posture issues


Correcting Back & Posture issues

Straighten up for a healthier life: Your back and posture hold the key to overall health and well-being.

Why is back and posture health so critical?

Back pain and poor posture can have a significant impact on various aspects of our health. Here are some ways in which they can affect our overall well-being:

Chronic Pain & mobility challenges: Back pain and poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances, strained muscles, and reduced flexibility. Over time, this can result in chronic pain, limited mobility, and an increased risk of injuries.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Poor posture can contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction by placing excessive pressure on the pelvic floor muscles and structures. When we slouch or hunch over, it can disrupt the alignment of the pelvis, leading to increased tension or weakness in the pelvic floor

Spinal & Core Health: Poor posture, such as slouching or hunching over, can place excessive stress on the spine. This may lead to misalignments, such as kyphosis (rounded upper back) or lordosis (exaggerated inward curve of the lower back), which can cause pain and discomfort. This can also lead to core issues

Respiratory Function: Slouching or having a rounded upper back can compress the chest cavity, limiting the space available for the lungs to expand.

Digestive System: Sitting or standing with poor posture can compress the abdominal organs and affect digestion. It may lead to issues like acid reflux, constipation, and reduced bowel movements.

Mood and Mental Well-being: Chronic back pain and poor posture can be physically and emotionally draining. Persistent pain can lead to frustration, irritability, and even depression or anxiety. Additionally, studies have shown a connection between posture and mood, with good posture associated with increased self-confidence and positive emotions.

Energy Levels and Fatigue: Constantly battling back pain or maintaining poor posture can be physically exhausting, leading to decreased energy levels and increased fatigue throughout the day.

Sleep Quality: Back pain can make it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position and may disturb sleep. Poor sleep quality can further contribute to fatigue, mood disturbances, and impaired cognitive function.

Common Symptoms of Back & Posture issues

Name of symptomDefinition
Ankylosing Spondylitischronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that primarily affects the spine and sacroiliac joints (the joints connecting the lower back and pelvis).
Balanceability to maintain an upright and stable posture while standing, walking, or performing other movements.
EDS (Classical)is a genetic connective tissue disorder that causes severe skin hyperextensibility, skin fragility, and atrophic scarring. cEDS also causes joint hypermobility and joint instability.
EDS (Hypermobile)is a heritable connective tissue disorder that causes generalized joint hypermobility, joint instability, and chronic pain. hEDS is also associated with a variety of other symptoms and related conditions that affect many different areas of the body.
HypermobilityRefers to an increased range of motion in one or more joints beyond what is considered normal for that particular joint.
Lower Back Painprevalent and often uncomfortable condition characterized by pain and discomfort in the area below the ribcage and above the hips.
Lower crossed syndromepostural imbalance that affects the muscles of the lower back, pelvis, and hips. It is often associated with prolonged sitting and poor posture, which can lead to muscle imbalances and altered movement patterns.
Mobilitymobility refers to the ability of a joint or a series of joints to move freely and efficiently through their full range of motion.
Poor foot mechanicsbiomechanical issues and irregularities in the way a person’s feet function during walking, running, or standing.
Postural imbalancesrefer to the misalignment or malalignment of the body’s musculoskeletal structures, resulting in deviations from the optimal posture.
Scoliosismedical condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, causing it to bend sideways.
Spina Bifida no shuntcongenital condition that occurs during early fetal development when the neural tube, which forms the baby’s brain and spinal cord, doesn’t close properly.
Spina Bifida with a shuntrefers to a more severe form of spina bifida, specifically, myelomeningocele, in which the spinal cord and nerves protrude through the opening in the spine.
Upper crossed syndromepostural imbalance characterized by specific muscle imbalances and altered movement patterns in the upper body.

What do these symptoms feel like?

Pain both near your back and in adjoining areas

Stiffness that limits your range of motion

Muscle spasms causing tight contractions

Bowel or bladder function changes

Heaviness in your pelvic floor

Weakened core

Lack of balance or feel like losing “step” often

What causes symptoms of back and posture issues?

Sedentary Lifestyle: Prolonged periods of sitting, especially with poor ergonomics, insufficient physical activity and lack of core strength can contribute to poor posture and back issues.

Pregnancy and ligament laxity: Hormonal changes, particularly during pregnancy, can cause the ligaments in the body to become more relaxed and flexible. While this is necessary to accommodate the growing baby, it can also lead to increased joint instability, including in the spine. This can result in changes in posture and increased susceptibility to back pain or discomfort.

Menopause: Particularly a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, can contribute to the development of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened and brittle bones. Weakened bones in the spine can lead to compression fractures or vertebral collapse, altering the alignment of the spine and affecting posture

Auto-immune disorders: Some hormonal conditions, such as thyroid disorders or certain autoimmune diseases, can cause joint pain and inflammation. This can affect the spine and lead to changes in posture and back discomfort.

Muscle Weakness and Imbalances: Weak muscles, particularly in the core, back, and hip areas, can contribute to poor posture. Imbalances between muscle groups, such as tight chest muscles and weak upper back muscles, can lead to rounded shoulders and a forward head posture.

Incorrect Lifting Techniques: Lifting heavy objects with improper form or using the back instead of the legs can put excessive stress on the spine and lead to back injuries and postural issues.

Excessive Weight: Carrying excess body weight can put additional strain on the back and contribute to poor posture. The spine may have to compensate for the added weight, leading to misalignments and discomfort.

Stress and Emotional Factors: Psychological stress and emotional factors can affect posture. When stressed or anxious, individuals may adopt a slouched or hunched posture, which can contribute to muscle tension and poor alignment.

Structural Abnormalities or Injuries: Certain structural abnormalities, such as scoliosis (sideways curvature of the spine) or herniated discs, can predispose individuals to poor posture and back problems. Previous injuries or trauma to the back can also contribute to postural issues.

Lack of Awareness and Education: Many people are not aware of proper posture or the importance of maintaining it. Without this knowledge, they may unknowingly adopt poor posture habits that can strain the muscles and structures of the back.

Are you confused about all the contradictory pieces of information out there?

Bed Rest vs. Physical Activity: Bed rest can be commonly prescribed for back pain. However, there is research that suggests prolonged bed rest can actually be detrimental and delay recovery.

Posture Correction: While some experts advocate for specific exercises and stretches to improve posture, others argue that the focus should be on movement variability and avoiding prolonged static positions.

Stretching for Back Pain: Stretching is often recommended as a way to alleviate back pain. However, conflicting information exists regarding the types of stretches and their effectiveness.

Use of Back Supports: The use of back supports, such as belts or braces, is a topic of debate. While they can provide temporary relief and support during certain activities, there is concern that relying too heavily on back supports may weaken the core muscles and potentially lead to dependency or further injury.

Our suggestion: The secret is in your breath, alignment and fascia activation

A combination of breathing techniques, alignment and activation of your fascia (the largest organ in your body that runs from head to toe) is the secret to start to reverse back and posture issues.

You get all this by doing Hypopressives for 10 minutes/day.

Let’s break this down:

Align: By practising the Hypopressives lateral breath, you start to expand your ribs, you start to create more space in your body. This not only reduces stress but also promotes alignment of the ribs and spine. This leads to an elongated back and spine creating a better posture.

Reduce pressure: Hypopressives engage your core muscles by removing intra-abdominal pressure that helps remove the strain of your spine and strengthen the outer and deep core muscles instead.

Fascial decompression: By activating your myofascial slings that runs through your body, Hypopressives helps in decompressing your spine, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles leading to more vitality and flow.

In short, by doing the breath work with hypopressives, you can start to strengthen your core and abdominal muscles, elongate your spine that leads to improved posture and reduction in back strain.

10 minutes per day for 12-weeks is all you need to start seeing results.

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Updated on: 09/08/2024

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