Articles on: Hypopressives For Pelvic Health

Hypopressives vs. Yoga - Which Holds the Key to Pelvic Health?


Hypopressives vs Yoga

Yoga and Hypopressives are like second cousins with both having great intentions but slightly different approaches. Let’s explore them more.

Yoga and Hypopressives: Origin & Philosophy

Yoga, with its roots dating back to ancient India, is an integrative practice that unites physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and ethical precepts.

Its philosophy underlines the union of mind, body, and spirit, and the achievement of a state of internal peace.

The goal is not merely physical fitness, but a comprehensive sense of wellness and consciousness expansion.

There are several forms of yoga, like Hatha, Ashtanga, Kundalini, each with their unique emphasis and approach, though they all share the common thread of yoga’s fundamental philosophy.

Hypopressives, on the other hand, was developed in the 1980s by Belgian physiotherapist Marcel Caufriez.

The technique was initially designed as a safe alternative to traditional abdominal exercises for women recovering post-childbirth.

The philosophy behind hypopressives centers around creating a vacuum in the abdomen through specific postures and breathing techniques, leading to an involuntary contraction of the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.

It is more of a physical therapy approach, targeting specific muscular and postural improvement.

The techniques and exercises

Yoga involves a wide array of postures, from simple ones like Tadasana (Mountain Pose) to more complex ones like Sirsasana (Headstand).

Each pose has specific physical and subtle benefits. Yoga also incorporates Pranayama (breathing exercises) and Dhyana (meditation) into its routine, working on the practitioners’ physical and mental aspects.

Hypopressives, alternatively, is centered around “hypopressive breathing,” which involves exhaling entirely and then expanding the ribcage without inhaling, creating a vacuum effect that triggers the automatic contraction of pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles.

The exercises are often done in postures that promote the alignment and elongation of the spine.

Health Benefits of consistent practice

Yoga’s benefits are multidimensional, addressing physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Physically, it can enhance flexibility, strength, and balance.

Its focus on mindful movements and breathing can also promote stress relief, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

Some forms of yoga can even serve as a vigorous exercise, aiding in weight loss.

Hypopressives are highly beneficial for improving core strength and posture.

They are particularly effective for preventing and managing pelvic floor disorders, such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

It can also contribute to an improved waistline, enhanced respiratory capacity, and prevention of hernias and organ descent.

Safety and follow-along

Yoga and Hypopressives can both be done from home with both having small learning curves.

Yoga requires you to start with the basic poses and slowly progress. Hypopressives require you to learn to breathe and align your body followed by doing the apnea breath hold.

While Yoga can be slowly followed-along to YouTube videos, Hypopressives require personal guidance to ensure the apnea and your alignment and breathing is being done correctly.

Hypopressives require supervision initially

Hypopressives is a unique method that removes pressure from your intra-abdominal and pelvic floor.

However it can be practised wrong.

This leads to inverse effects leading to more pressure which in turn can lead to no results or worsen symptoms of pelvic dysfunction such as incontinence, prolapse, back pain, pelvic pain and heightened tension in your pelvic floor.

Hypopressives SHOULD NOT be practised without trainer supervision initially. Once your technique is approved, you are free to follow-along from home without any supervision.

Unofficial statistics show that over 67% of women do the technique wrong the first few times leading to either disengagement or worsen symptoms.

Safe and Affordable with MoonRise Hypopressives

MoonRise offers the world’s safest programs for you to get started with Hypopressives.

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A 1-1 trainer that supervises you asynchronously via video and audio.

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Updated on: 09/08/2024

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