Articles on: Health Solutions

Pelvic Powerplay: Hypopressives vs. Kegels for Strength and Health


Hypopressives vs Kegels

While Kegels may have their place in the world of Pelvic health, their one-size-fits-all approach endorsed by doctors and physios seems overstated. Let’s explore the refreshing alternatives: Hypopressives.

What is a Kegel?

A Kegel is an exercise designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. It involves contracting and relaxing the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum.

Kegel exercises are commonly recommended for both men and women to improve bladder control, enhance sexual satisfaction, and prevent or alleviate certain pelvic floor disorders.

How effective are Kegels?

While studies vary depending on population being analysed, age groups, underlying factors, size of sample, the efficiency ranges from 30-70%.

The main reasons Kegels don’t work for many seem to be the following:

Wrong technique being practised
Misguided diagnosis and recommendation
Insufficient practice

What are Hypopressives?

Hypopressives are a unique exercise method that focuses on the core and pelvic floor muscles by utilizing specific postures, breathing techniques, and movements.

They aim to reduce intra-abdominal pressure, strengthen the core, improve posture, and enhance pelvic floor function.

What makes Hypopressives effective?

Hypopressives is a simple yet revolutionary technique that has over 93.7%* effectiveness due to the below reasons,

Activation of deep core muscles: They engage and strengthen the deep core muscles, enhancing core stability and pelvic floor support.

Reduction of intra-abdominal pressure: Hypopressives aim to decrease pressure on the abdominal organs and pelvic floor, improving pelvic floor function and abdominal tone.

Reflexive response: They stimulate a reflexive relaxation and toning response from the body, enhancing muscle activation and promoting better posture.

Integration of breathing techniques: Hypopressives incorporate specific breathing patterns that engage the deep core muscles and promote relaxation.

By activating larger parts of your body, Hypopressives is a truly holistic natural approach to not just reversing symptoms but overall wellbeing and vitality. All you need is 10 minutes/day to get started.

*data from 117 women from the MoonRise community with an average age of 53 who have gone through the Hypopressives program and self-rated their improvement on a scale of 1-10 over a period of 12 weeks.

When are Hypopressives suitable for you?

Hypopressives can be practiced by a wide range of individuals, including both men and women. They are suitable for people of various fitness levels and ages.

Hypopressives can be particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to improve core strength, pelvic floor function, posture, and overall abdominal tone.

Hypopressive exercises benefit the below groups even further:

Women after childbirth: Hypopressives can aid in postpartum recovery, helping to restore pelvic floor strength and tone after pregnancy and childbirth. We recommend getting started 6 weeks after vaginal birth and 10 weeks after C section.

Individuals with pelvic floor dysfunction: Hypopressives may be beneficial for those experiencing pelvic floor disorders such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, or pelvic pain.

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts: Hypopressives can enhance core stability, improve breathing mechanics, and complement training regimens for athletes and individuals involved in various physical activities.

Individuals seeking improved posture and abdominal tone: Hypopressives can help strengthen the deep core muscles, including the transverse abdominis, which contributes to improved posture and toned abdominal muscles.

Pregnant women: Work preventively during your pregnancy with lateral breath and alignment. You have to wait 6 weeks after vaginal birth and 10 weeks after C section to practice the breath holds within Hypopressives.

Can I do Kegels and Hypopressives at the same time?

Yes, you can do them both.

However, if you have been doing Kegels for a while and have experienced no benefits, you might want to give a break and try only Hypopressives for 2-3 months. This way you conduct a clean test to understand what your body responds better to.

What are the risks of Hypopressives?

Risk 1:
Not doing the technique right guided by a certified trainer

Following Youtube Videos, random blogs and PDFs and piecing up your own Hypopressives technique can lead to untoward consequences.

You want to ensure your technique is perfect to not just avoid the risk of worsening any symptoms but not getting any benefit at all.

We at MoonRise have certified master trainers who have on-demand videos coupled with 1-1 coaching making it the most cost and time effective way for you to get started from home.

Read more here

Risk 2:
Not following the contraindications for the apnea which are listed below

Let me remind you that Hypopressives consists of 3 pillars: Lateral breathing, alignment and apnea.

Everyone who can breathe can do lateral breath and alignment. They constitute more than 80% of the technique and provide countless health benefits.

The apnea or the breath holds are contraindicated if you are in the above group and should be avoided.

Your Health Matters.

Oftentimes we rely purely on experts to make our health choices on our behalf. We believe that you should own the agency of your health.

This happens only when you listen inwards and understand your needs. We encourage you here at MoonRise by offering you guidance, support and knowledge to connect deeper with yourself.

Join MoonRise+

We provide all the building blocks of knowledge, 1-1 support and live community calls to ensure you are not only avoiding the risks mentioned above but getting closer to reaching peak feminine health.

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Take Control of Your Pelvic Health

Are you ready to reverse prolapse, incontinence, and related pelvic floor symptoms? Your journey starts here.

Take our quick and proven assessment to gain valuable insights and discover personalized strategies to regain your pelvic health.

Click here to take the assessment!

Updated on: 27/01/2025

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